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Technological Innovation & People Oriented

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Maker Sci-Tech Education Limited is based on technological innovation, people-oriented and provides educational equipment, technological products and technological application solutions for different users of technological education and applications. We have an excellent technology product research and development and technology education team, gathering professionals in different science and technology fields. We fully support the needs of customers, and give full play to the concept of "technological innovation,people-oriented"



教材內包含塑料積木、主機板和各種各樣電路模塊。除外,也包含Arduino的產品、平板電腦或手機的相關應用軟件和其他 STEM 的教育產品。




  • AI及機械人編程
  • AIoT及智能家居設計及編程
  • Scratch, Blocky 及 Python Coding
  • App Development
  • 虛擬實境及擴增實境製作
  • 部分客戶夥伴  Main Client Partners

    部分客戶夥伴 Main Client Partners

    • 香港浸會大學 Hong Kong Baptist University
    • 香港城市大學 Hong Kong City University
    • 香港專業教育學院(青衣) Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi)
    • 聖公會蔡功譜中學 SKH Tsoi Kung Po Secondary
    • 東華三院鄺錫坤伉儷中學 TWGHs Mr & Mrs Kwong Sik Kwan College
    • 西貢崇真天主教學校(中學部) Sai Kung Sung Tsun Catholic School(Secondary Section)
    • 民生書院小學 Munsang College Primary School
    • 德福學校 Bishop Ford Memorial School
    • 華德學校 Bishop Walsh Primary School
    • 基督教香港信義會深信學校 The ELCHK Faith Lutheran School
    • 天水圍循道衛理小學 Tin Shui Wai Methodist Primary School
    • 馬鞍山循道衛理小學 Ma On Shan Methodist Primary School
    • 匡智翠林晨崗學校 Hong Chi Morninghill School, Tsui Lam
    • 民生書院幼稚園 Munsang College Kindergarten
    • Cyber Robotics Technology Limited, Hong Kong
    • Innovative Technology Education Limited, Hong Kong
    • JJ Education, Korea
    • Multi Scitech Co. Ltd, Thailand
    • 以上排名不分先後 The above names are not listed not in particular order

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