增強實境及虛擬實境應用方案 AVR Application Developments

服務概述 為學校和私營部門提供AVR硬件,解決方案以及AVR應用程序開發。我們專注於將AVR解決方案與市場上出現的最先進技術集成在一起。通過與內容合作夥伴的共同努力,我們可以提供針對教育和商業領域的出色用戶體驗。我們還是香港eon Real China的授權代表,它是全球排名最高的AVR內容創建和平台提供商。
Service Description We provide AVR hardware, solutions as well as AVR application development for schools and private sectors. We are specialized in integrating AVR solutions with state-of-the-art technology emerging in the market. By join efforts with our content partners, we can deliver stunning user experience focus on education as well as commercial sectors. We are also the authorized representative of eon reality China in Hong Kong, who is the top ranking AVR content creation and platform provider worldwide

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