機器人及科技器材應用培訓 Robotics & Technology Application Trainings


  • 從啟蒙到專家,配合機器人或科技器材,由淺入深
  • 適合按年齡或能力之人士
  • 先認識基礎理念,再到專案實踐
  • 體系層層增添,挑戰多種任務
  • 以日常生活題材作為教學主題
  • 更容易體驗生活中科技帶來的方便和樂趣




    Curriculum Rationale

  • From children to expert, with robots or technological equipment, from the easy to the difficult
  • Suitable for people by age or ability
  • First understand the basic concepts, then proceed to the project practice
  • Challenge a variety of tasks through different levels
  • Take the theme of daily life as the teaching theme
  • It is easier to experience the convenience and fun brought by technology in life

Teaching Mode : online real-time or face-to-face instruction

Number of Students in Class : no more than 20 students in a class

Class Duration : 8-12 hours/class

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