易派戰士 ePy Robot

名稱: 易派戰士
概述: 大小適中,適合在桌面、室內地板等生活空間探險,更能親易與寵物和幼童互動。易派戰士可以成為您日常生活上學編程的好夥伴。透過重新組合機構與添加簡單組件的方式,建構出多種不同型態的機器人。藉實作組裝體會其中的運作原理與結構異同,激發玩家的邏輯能力與想像力。Blockly編輯器使用互相連結的視覺化圖塊來表現程式概念。使用者可以輕易的執行符合程式邏輯的命令,而不用背誦複雜的文字指令或被難以識別的閃爍游標所困擾。
  • 行走、鞠躬、舞步、單腳站立 ... 易派戰士共有17個關節
  • 17個關節配備高扭力伺服機馬達,可以確實執行您下達的每個指令
Article Name: ePy Robot
Description: With its perfect size, ePy Robot is well fitted to undergo explorations on desks, floors, or any other surroundings. It is also a good size to entertain your pets or toddlers. The ePy Robot will be your best companion in learning programming. Using innovative reconfiguration and simple accessory additions, a new series of robots is born. Whether it be the process of building it or the actual operation, it can bring out the best of the builder’s creativity and logical ability, serving as a great learning tool. The Blockly editor uses interlocking, graphical blocks to represent code concepts. It allows users to apply programming principles without having to worry about syntax or the intimidation of a blinking cursor on the command line.
Key Advantages of ePy Robot
  • 17 Movable Joints with Steady, Fluid Motions
  • Whether it’s walking, bowing, dancing or just standing upright, ePy Robot is well-equipped with high torque servomotors that can execute any of your orders with precision.

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