三寶金剛機器人 Sanbot Max

名稱: 三寶金剛機器人
概述: 這個商用服務機器人-金剛,身高近1.5米,擁有一雙具有全行業最大自由度的仿人類手臂,每個手指頭都能靈活運動,比大部分五個手指只能同時屈伸的機器人更加先進,展現的肢體語言更為豐富。它能一舉搬走75公斤重物,勝過兩個成年勞動力,每秒行動速度比人類快三倍。金剛搭載了迄今為止最強的語音識別方案,極大程度優化了機器人在複雜環境下交互體驗不佳的短板。它還具有超凡的運動能力,在室內複雜環境里自如行走的速度最高可達5米/秒,不僅遠超同類產品平均不足1米/秒的移動速度,也遠超於人類1.5米/秒的行走速度。針對不同需求,金剛機器人還配置了豐富的附加功能,如預留了電源接口和多種商用外置接口,可實現外掛超大顯示屏、無線通訊控制器和打印機等外接設備即插即用的業務功能。金剛機器人採用了基於多個 3D Camera 的視覺 SLAM 建圖與實時定位導航技術,它能對陌生環境進行建模,輔之以「紅外+超聲+視覺」相結合的避障策略,不但能實現複雜室內環境里的自如行走,在遇到障礙時可採取緊急制動和實時重新規劃路線繞開障礙物前行兩種不同的方案,無需被動等待,從而提高了執行任務的效率。其次,金剛機器人的語音交互能力也達到了行業領先水平。它兼容了多種語義方案,它在執行語義理解任務時採取的是併發模式,即同時向所有服務器發送請求,獲取結果後根據優先級判斷使用哪個結果,極大地改善了語音識別精度和交互速度。基於這個融合性的語義解決方案,金剛也支持針對特定行業定制專屬語言包和離線喚醒等功能。金剛機器人主要適用於酒店、商場、銀行、政府、展覽館、圖書館、機場、餐廳、企業等場所,代替人工進行重復的接待、引領、講解、物品運送等勞務工作。
  • 75公斤重物力
  • 行動速度比人類快三倍
  • 電源接口和多種商用外置接口
  • 多個 3D Camera 的視覺 SLAM 建圖與實時定位導航技術,能對陌生環境進行建模,輔之以「紅外+超聲+視覺」相結合的避障策略,實現複雜室內環境里的自如行走
Article Name: Sanbot Max
Description: This commercial service robot, Sabot Max, is nearly 1.5 meters tall and has a pair of human-like arms with the greatest degree of freedom in the industry. Each finger can move flexibly, which is more flexible than most robots that can only bend and extend at the same time with five fingers. More advanced, the body language displayed is richer. It can move 75 kilograms of weight in one fell swoop, surpassing two adult labors, and it moves three times faster than humans per second. King Kong is equipped with the strongest speech recognition solution so far, which greatly optimizes the shortcomings of the robot's poor interactive experience in complex environments. It also has extraordinary athletic ability. It can walk freely in complex indoor environments at a speed of up to 5 meters per second, which is not only far faster than the average moving speed of similar products of less than 1 meter per second, but also far faster than human beings at 1.5 meters per second. Walking speed. For different needs, the King Kong robot is also equipped with a wealth of additional functions, such as reserved power interfaces and a variety of commercial external interfaces, which can realize plug-and-play business functions of external devices such as external large screens, wireless communication controllers, and printers. Sanbot Max has 3D vSLAM mapping and real-time positioning and navigation technology based on multiple 3D Cameras. It can adapt to unfamiliar environments and is supplemented by an obstacle avoidance strategy that combines "infrared + ultrasound + vision", which can not only achieve complex free walking in the indoor environment. When encountering obstacles, emergency braking and real-time re-planning of the route can be used to avoid obstacles and move forward. There is no need to passively wait, thereby improving the efficiency of task execution. Secondly, the voice interaction capability of Sabot Max has also reached the industry-leading level. It is compatible with a variety of semantic solutions. It adopts a concurrent mode when performing semantic understanding tasks, that is, it sends requests to all servers at the same time, and after obtaining the results, it determines which result to use according to the priority, which greatly improves the accuracy of speech recognition and the speed of interaction. Based on this integrated semantic solution, Sabot Max also supports customizing exclusive language packs and offline wake-up functions for specific industries. Sanbot Max is mainly used in hotels, shopping malls, banks, governments, exhibition halls, libraries, airports, restaurants, enterprises and other places to replace manual labor such as reception, guidance, explanation, and transportation of goods.
Key Advantages of Sanbot Max:
  • 75 kilograms of burdening strength
  • Movement speed is three times faster than humans
  • Power interface and a variety of commercial external interfaces
  • Multiple 3D vSLAM mapping and real-time positioning and navigation technology which can adapt to unfamiliar environments, supplemented by the "infrared + ultrasound + vision" combination of obstacle avoidance strategies to achieve freedom in complex indoor environments

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