三寶小精靈機器人 Sanbot Elf

名稱: 三寶小精靈機器人
概述: 三寶(Sanbot)機器人是家用(消費、娛樂、教育)和商用(營銷、服務、內容)場景都可定制的平台機器人。三寶(Sanbot)機器人整合了世界各地人工智能先進研究成果,結合互聯網雲計算與物聯網技術,通過深度學習持續提升機器人人機交互體驗以及家用和商用價值,滿足在家庭和不同商業場景下提供不同的智能化服務的平台型機器人。從外觀、硬件、軟件到內容和應用,提供不同的定制化智能服務的機器人應用終端,而且具有感應互動、語音交互、運動交互等多種強大功能。擁有豐富的語義理解和執行、人臉檢測和識別、自主聲源定位、自動充電、自主行走與避障、智能保鏢策略等功能。在聯網後,其強大的計算處理能力和自主學習能力更是能勝任超複雜的任務。
  • 60+顆傳感器芯片有機融合於三寶機器人全身,讓三寶(sanbot)擁有人一樣的「看」、「聽」、「觸」、「嗅」功能,全方位感知周邊環境,智慧融入場景。 可通過「語音交互」、「手勢交互」、「觸摸交互」等實現與機器人的溝通。
  • 基於家庭應用場景,提供消費、娛樂和教育等智能化服務。會說多種語言,擁有多種運動能力和超強的學習能力。
Article Name: Sanbot Elf
Description: The Sanbot robot is a customizable platform robot for both household (consumption, entertainment, education) and commercial (marketing, service, content) scenarios. Sanbot robots integrate advanced research results of artificial intelligence from all over the world, combined with Internet cloud computing and Internet of Things technology, and continuously improve the robot's human-computer interaction experience and home and commercial value through deep learning, to meet the needs of different families and different business scenarios. Platform robots for intelligent services. From appearance, hardware, software to content and applications, robot application terminals that provide different customized intelligent services, and have multiple powerful functions such as induction interaction, voice interaction, and motion interaction. It has rich semantic understanding and execution, face detection and recognition, autonomous sound source localization, automatic charging, autonomous walking and obstacle avoidance, intelligent bodyguard strategy and other functions. After being connected to the Internet, its powerful computing capabilities and autonomous learning capabilities are even more capable of super-complex tasks.
Key Advantages of Sanbot Elf:
  • 60+ sensor chips are organically integrated into the whole body of the Sanbao robot, so that the sanbot has the same functions of "seeing", "listening", "touching" and "sniffing" as a human being. It can perceive the surrounding environment in an all-round way and integrate wisdom into the scene. . Communication with the robot can be achieved through "voice interaction", "gesture interaction", "touch interaction", etc.
  • Based on home application scenarios, provide intelligent services such as consumption, entertainment and education. Can speak multiple languages, have multiple sports abilities and super learning ability.

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