幼兒編程卡 Programmable Board For Kids

名稱: 幼兒編程卡
概述: 把各種卡牌放到讀器上 幼兒把各種卡牌放到讀器上 , 按Play 鍵, 發送指令到小 車, 小車在地圖上走動 , 目標是完成各種任務 , 如尋寶 。
  • 基本編程及數理概念
  • 邏輯思維及解難能力訓練
Article Name: Programmable Board For Kids
Description: Put all kinds of cards on the reader. Toddlers put all kinds of cards on the reader, press the Play button, and send instructions to the cart. The cart moves around on the map. The goal is to complete various tasks, such as treasure hunting.
Learning Aims:
  • Basic programming and mathematical concepts
  • Logical thinking and problem-solving ability training

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